If a friend you refer gets hired from this site and stays for 90 days, you get $750*.
(*There are additional conditions that must be met. Please see the "Terms of the Staffing Symphony LLC Candidate Lead Program" during registration.)
Bonus: After you’ve had a chance to search our database below, be sure to collect your Job Search Goodies.
Sign-On Bonus: If you are hired for a job through this site, you’ll earn a $250 “sign-on bonus” after your first day of employment.
Setup a Search Alert: If you don’t see any positions that you are qualified for/interested in, just save the search and we’ll send you relevant positions in the future. New jobs are added daily!
You may also add your resume to our Candidate Database.
Here are a bunch of resources that you will find beneficial:
Strong Letter Cover Template
Strong Letter Cover Template for jobs in corporate America.
How to Win the Hearts of Minds of Recruiters
A webinar that explains how to work with and impress recruiters.
Absolutely Abby Resource Guide
A Job Seeker Resource Guide which contains these great goodies…
Career Wake-Up Call
#099O | Tuesday, December 29th
Career Wake-Up Call
#099N | Thursday, October 19th
Career Wake-Up Call
#099M | Monday, October 26th